Southland News

Make a Deposit From Anywhere With Mobile Deposits

May 15, 2020


Mobile deposits are available in the Southland mobile app after your Membership has been established for 90 days. 

To make a mobile deposit, follow these simple steps:


1. Log into your Southland Mobile App 


2. Select “Make a Deposit” from the menu in the top right corner


3. Select the account you would like to deposit to and fill in the check amount 


4. Scroll down to take pictures of the front side and back side of your check


5. Click to take a picture of the front of your check


6. Click to take a picture of the back of your check. Make sure it's signed! 


7. Click the "Make a Deposit" button

Please note that funds from deposits may not be immediately available. Please refer to Southland’s Mobile Disclosure and Funds Available Policy.