Consumer Loan Rates

Auto and Personal Loan rates

Rates Effective 07/01/2024

  • 36 Months
    36 Months Payment Terms1
    5.99% APR with Autopay2
    6.24% APR without Autopay2
    130% MSRP Advance Policy3
  • 48 Months
    48 Months Payment Terms1
    5.99% APR with Autopay2
    6.24% APR without Autopay2
    130% MSRP Advance Policy3
  • 60-66 Months
    60-66 Months Payment Terms1
    5.99% APR with Autopay2
    6.24% APR without Autopay2
    130% MSRP Advance Policy3
  • 72-78 Months
    72-78 Months Payment Terms1
    6.24% APR with Autopay2
    6.49% APR without Autopay2
    130% MSRP Advance Policy3
  • 84 Months
    84 Payment Terms1
    6.74% APR with Autopay2
    6.99% APR without Autopay2
    130% MSRP Advance Policy3

Loans are subject to credit and collateral qualification, other fees and conditions may apply. Rates are subject to change without notice. Other rates and advance policies may apply based on your individual credit profile.

1 Vehicles valued over $20,000 financed up to 84 months (on approved credit); otherwise, maximum term is 78 months.

2 APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Autopay must be from a qualified Southland checking account to receive the deduction (0.25%). All APRs shown are calculated at a $10,000 loan amount. Members may qualify for the following additional loan rate discounts including: 0.25% rate discount for less than 100% Loan to Value (LTV). Available on New & used vehicles, 60-66 & 72-78 month terms only. Minimum FICO of 660 to qualify.

3MSRP=Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price;  Wholesale=Wholesale Market Value.

Rates Effective 01/02/2025

  • 36 Months
    36 Months Payment Terms1
    6.24% APR with Autopay2
    6.49% APR without Autopay2
    130% RKBB/JDP Advance Policy3
  • 48 Months
    48 Months Payment Terms1
    6.24% APR with Autopay2
    6.49% APR without Autopay2
    130% RKBB/JDP Advance Policy3
  • 60-66 Months
    60-66 Months Payment Terms1
    6.24% APR with Autopay2
    6.49% APR without Autopay2
    130% RKBB/JDP Advance Policy3
  • 72-78 Months
    72-78 Months Payment Terms1
    6.49% APR with Autopay2
    6.74% APR without Autopay2
    130% RKBB/JDP Advance Policy3
  • 84 Months
    84 Months Payment Terms1
    6.99% APR with Autopay2
    7.24% APR without Autopay2
    130% RKBB/JDP Advance Policy3

Loans are subject to credit and collateral qualification, other fees and conditions may apply. Rates are subject to change without notice. Other rates and advance policies may apply based on your individual credit profile.

1Vehicles valued over $20,000 financed up to 84 months (on approved credit); otherwise, maximum term is 78 months.

2APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Autopay must be from a qualified Southland checking account to receive the deduction (0.25%). All APRs shown are calculated at a $10,000 loan amount. Members may qualify for the following additional loan rate discounts including: 0.25% rate discount for less than 100% Loan to Value (LTV). Available on New & used vehicles, 60-66 & 72-78 month terms only. Minimum FICO of 660 to qualify.

3MSRP=Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price;  Wholesale=Wholesale Market Value

Rates Effective 01/02/2025

  • New
    9.49% APR with Autopay1
    9.74% APR without Autopay1
    84 Months Payment/$1,000
    110% MSRP Maximum Terms2
  • Used
    9.74% APR with Autopay1
    9.99% APR without Autopay1
    84 Months Payment/$1,000
    110% Wholesale Maximum Terms2

Loans are subject to credit and collateral qualification, other fees and conditions may apply. Rates are subject to change without notice. Other rates and advance policies may apply based on your individual credit profile.

1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Autopay must be from a qualified Southland checking account to receive the deduction (.25%). All APRs shown are calculated at a $10,000 loan amount.

2Vehicles valued over $20,000 financed up to 84 months (on approved credit); otherwise, maximum term is 72 months.

3MSRP=Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price; RNADA=Retainer National Automotive Dealers Association; Wholesale=Wholesale Market Value

Rates Effective 01/02/2025

  • New
    8.75% APR with Autopay1
    9.00% APR without Autopay1
    180 Months  Payment/$1,000 (120 month loans)
    90% MSRP Maximum Terms2
  • Used
    9.00% APR with Autopay1
    9.25% APR without Autopay1
    180 Months Payment/$1,000 (120 month loans)
    90% Wholesale Maximum Terms2

Loans are subject to credit and collateral qualification, other fees and conditions may apply. Rates are subject to change without notice. Other rates and advance policies may apply based on your individual credit profile.

1APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Autopay must be from a qualified Southland checking account to receive the deduction (.25%). All APRs shown are calculated at a $10,000 loan amount.

2Vehicles valued over $20,000 financed up to 84 months (on approved credit); otherwise, maximum term is 72 months.

3MSRP=Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price; RNADA=Retail National Automotive Dealers Association; Wholesale=Wholesale Market Value

Rates Effective 01/02/2025

  • Line of Credit
    11.74% APR1
    Revolving Maximum Term
  • Signature Loan
    11.74% APR1
    60 Months Maximum Term
Minimum advance for closed end signature loans is $1,000. Loans are subject to credit qualification, other fees and conditions may apply. Rates are subject to change without notice. Other rates and advance policies may apply based on your individual credit profile.

1 APR=Annual Percentage Rate.

Rates Effective 01/02/2025

  • Share Secured
    3.00% + Current Share Rate APR1
    $500 Advance Policy
1APR=Annual Percentage Rate.