Loan Deferment Assistance

Facing financial hardship?

Southland is here to help.

Complete the form below with as much detail as possible regarding your situation, and a Southland Associate will contact you within 3 to 5 business days to review your options. Additional information, verifications, and proof of income will be required. For mortgage payment assistance, please see our Mortgage Payment Help page. 

If you are currently receiving loan deferment assistance from Southland Credit Union and you need to request an extension, please complete a Consumer Loan Hardship Modification Request. 

NOTICE: Interest will continue to accrue on your loan, line or credit card during the payment deferral period.

Your Contact Information:

Is there another signer on the loan? If yes, please enter the co-signer's contact information below:

Please provide as much detail as possible below:

Employer Information