Personal Loans

Personal Loans & Lines of Credit 

Personal Loans at Credit Union Rates

Southland Credit Union offers personal loans with competitive fixed-rate and term options to keep your monthly payments at a minimum, so you can borrow with confidence.


Signature Loans

Use your good credit history to get a low, fixed-rate loan without collateral. A Signature Loan is ideal for special purchases, vacations, higher-cost debt refinancing or whatever you choose!

  • Low fixed-rates
  • No collateral required
  • Use funds for any purpose: special purchases, vacations, consolidating higher-rate debt or whatever you choose
  • Flexible terms from 12 to 60 months (depending on amount financed)

Personal Line-of-Credit

Do you need funds for home improvements, repairs, medical expenses, overdraft protection and other needs? A Line-of-Credit is a convenient way to get cash when you need it.

  • Low fixed-rates
  • No collateral required
  • Line-of-Credit can be used as over-draft protection for your Southland Checking Account
  • No set term, use the money when needed

Deposit-Secured Loans

Use your Southland Savings Account as collateral to secure a loan. Borrow one lump sum or choose a Line of Credit where you can get cash as you need it.

  • Low fixed-rates only 3.5% over deposit account rate
  • Minimum loan amounts of $500
  • Term of loan cannot exceed 144-month term for share-secured

Rates Effective 01/02/2025

  • Line of Credit
    11.74% APR1
    Revolving Maximum Term
  • Signature Loan
    11.74% APR1
    60 Months Maximum Term
Minimum advance for closed end signature loans is $1,000. Loans are subject to credit qualification, other fees and conditions may apply. Rates are subject to change without notice. Other rates and advance policies may apply based on your individual credit profile.

1 APR=Annual Percentage Rate.